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brand protection

Brand Protection -Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid

Why is Branding Important? Branding is vital to the survival of almost any online business. Branding includes the thoughts and emotions that are triggered in the consumer when they see your product or interact with your brand. Another reason why branding is important is that brand names, and logos are brand ambassadors for your business.

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IP Valuation Basics: Q & A with Melisa Silverman

Are you an owner of a business with a partner that’s heading for the exit door? Does your company have intellectual property that’s being sold or licensed? Did your company issue stock options that need to be valued? Are you a business owner going through a divorce? Are you involved in a lawsuit over an infringement of a patent, trademark, or copyright? Answer “yes” to just one of these questions, and you are likely to need to call in the services of a business valuation expert.

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brand relationships

Brand with Personal Relationships (video)

CH: Jonathan, the personal brand transcends what we actually do for a living.

JF: It should yes, absolutely.

CH: And it really relates to a quality of some sort. It could be something to do with a personal characteristic or something physically and it could be integrity, a personal character: we associate that for example with Colin Powell (integrity). Someone like Margaret Thatcher was known as “The Iron Lady.”

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a quality as personal brand

A Quality as Personal Brand

CH: We were also talking earlier about Tim O’Brien and he authored the book “The Power of Personal Branding”: I understand you studied with Tim at one point?

JF: I did, yeah.

CH: I was very impressed with some of the concepts he put forth as he talks about each individual in a service brand, or a personal brand, needing to come up some personal quality. It could be a physical characteristic that you’re known for, or it could be perhaps a personality characteristic or an attitude whether it’s integrity or strength.

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Brand strategy to maintain trademark registrations and avoid genericide

Professional Service Brands (video)

CH: Jonathan, what is it about building a service brand that is more difficult than dealing with a consumer brand?

JF: With consumer brands, all of us can immediately see the product that’s being sold and it’s not the sales person who’s responsible necessarily for selling us or winning over the purchase, it’s the product that we’re buying. With professional services, we look at the professional as the intangible product. It’s the person who is delivering the service, it’s the person that we can engage with, and because none of us are alike, it makes that individual kind of a moving target.

Professional Service Brands (video) Read More »

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Brand Going Global?

Thinking of registering a global trademark for your business? Get your free step-by-step guide to brand protection in international markets, prepared by a leading international trademark attorney today.

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Nine Costly Myths About Trademark Registration


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  • 6 Reasons your application will be refused
  • 7 Must-ask questions when hiring non-legal filing services
  • 6 Registration rip-offs to avoid

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Follow the Rules of Trademark Use in Marketing and Media to Maintain Trademark Rights

Cheryl’s Brand Owners’ Guide to Trademark Use reveals how to establish lawful trademark use necessary to register a trademark and to sustain trademark protection.

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Can You Protect What You Select?


Hint—Five choices and two are really bad. Enter your email and avoid the bad guys.

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