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The Brandaide difference is in our three-step trademark registration process

Select | Secure | Sustain your Trademark

Our process is designed with one goal in mind—successful registration of your trademark. This means a brand name that is memorable, legally defensible, and bulletproof. Licensed, experienced, trademark attorneys provide strategy, professional counsel and advice you can trust.

70% of all trademark applications receive a refusal. Our experienced trademark attorneys have the  skills and professional training to put the odds for success in your favor.

We do not publish fees for applications without first meeting with you. To do so would be misleading, since each business is in a different stage of brand life. One size does not fit all. We want to learn about your products and services so we can provide a proper diagnosis and filing plan, with a budget that works for you.

A modest fee is required to secure your appointment, the cost of which we apply to additional services when you engage with us within 48 hours following our strategy session.

Brandaide is not a filing service using non-attorneys to complete a form. We are trademark attorneys, trusted advisors focused upon your business success.

Schedule a time to meet with us today.

Brand New Life Begins Here

Step 1 Select Brandaide three-step trademark registration process to register a trademark


Be memorable: Choose a brand name that is protectable.

Step 2 Secure Trademark Registration Online using Brandaide 3-step trademark registration process


Register with a plan: Are you registration ready, or not yet?

Step 3 of the Brandaide 3-step process to register a trademark for online business


Follow the rules: Brand Owners’ Guide to Trademark Use.

Why choose a Brandaide Trademark Professional?

Your questions answered to help you make a smart choice... view Brandaide's comparison guide to trademark registration.

Pretty woman lying on the bed smiling, notebook in hand after she filed a trademark application using the Brandaide trademark registration process

Become our Client

Our mission: To make sure you

Select | Secure | Sustain your Trademark

a brand and a business that’s

Our services are relationship driven. We serve clients who wish to engage a trusted advisor to help grow and protect their business.

Answers to Common Questions

What is the Trademark Registration BrandVax Strategy Session?
The BrandVax Strategy Session is a 45-minute, get to know you and your business. We answer your questions, review and analyze your trademark selection, as well as to analyze any other legal issues that may be important for the life of your business. We also review trademark search and analysis options, and share the trademark registration process to trademark a name. Finally, we’ll help you decide your next steps, and create a strategy and detailed budget of costs and services fees as your roadmap.
What are the steps to meet with you?
The first step is to complete the scheduling request for the Trademark Registration Planning Session by using our online intake session and choosing a time that works for you. SCHEDULE HERE. The consultation is free when we are engaged to provide services at the conclusion of your 45-minute strategy session. Otherwise, you are billed only for the cost of the strategy session at the quoted discounted rate.
How much do you charge to file a trademark?
We do charge on a flat fee basis and there are no hidden fees or surprises not spelled out completely before we become your advisor. We do not publish fees online for one simple reason. Each of our clients is in a different business, in a different stage of evolution, each with different trademark application needs. It is impossible to provide an honest and accurate estimate of fees and costs until we meet and get to know you and your business. Just like a doctor when it comes to your health, we can’t give you a proper diagnosis and recommend a treatment until we know about the status and health of your online business assets. If paying the cheapest price is your only criteria, then Brandaide professionals are not for you. Our services are relationship driven. We serve clients who want a professional as a partner to help them grow and protect their business.
What is the trademark application fee?
Trademark application fees are set by the USPTO and vary with the number of categories, and whether your trademarks are in use. You may also need a third-party trademark search prior to filing, which also impacts budget. Further, each country has its own schedule of trademark application requirements and trademark application fees. During your session, we will provide a detailed budget to help you plan your next steps in the process.

Can You Protect What You Select?


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Follow the Rules of Trademark Use in Marketing and Media to Maintain Trademark Rights

Cheryl’s Brand Owners’ Guide to Trademark Use reveals how to establish lawful trademark use necessary to register a trademark and to sustain trademark protection.

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Check List Note Pad with Trademark Symbol

Brand Going Global?

Thinking of registering a global trademark for your business? Get your free step-by-step guide to brand protection in international markets, prepared by a leading international trademark attorney today.

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Nine Costly Myths About Trademark Registration


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It’s what you didn’t know to think about that gets you every time!

Guide to Trademark Registration Services

Get this FREE GUIDE today, and you will learn:

  • 6 Reasons your application will be refused
  • 7 Must-ask questions when hiring non-legal filing services
  • 6 Registration rip-offs to avoid

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Where should we send the guide?

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Start Your Trademark Journey the Right Way


Registered Trademark - Amazon Bestseller
Thinking of registering a trademark for your business?

Avoid common mistakes when you download three chapters from my best-selling book—totally free.

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Free Guide to Brand Name Selection

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