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Brandaide: Secure your Brand

Trademark Registration Process

Step 2 Secure Trademark Registration Online using Brandaide 3-step trademark registration process

Vax your brand: trademark business name

Step 2 of the Brandaide proprietary trademark registration process is SECURE®. After you develop a plan in Step 1, it’s time to file a USPTO trademark SECURE® brand protection process. Take our 2-minute quiz and we will send you a custom report with your next steps on the path to trademark business name.

Are you Registration Ready?

Take our 2-minute quiz to find out.

Why is a USPTO trademark important for any online business? Here are a few reasons:

Answers to Common Questions

What should I register and how much does it cost?

Every trademark owner arrives at our doorstep at a different stage in life of their brand. For this reason, there is no one size fits all answer to the question “How do I file a USPTO trademark and how much will it cost?”


There is more than one basis for filing a trademark, based upon whether you have launched or intend to launch, and require time to develop your website and marketing materials. This impacts the costs and fees involved.  In addition, it’s important to know if you wish to trademark business name, alone or together with a logo.

What will I learn from the Registration Ready Quiz?

Based upon years of experience, we have found new clients are in one of 3 different stages of registration readiness. Using these 3 stages of registration readiness, we have developed a customized report outlining the trademark filing process that’s right for you.


The report you receive will assist you in developing  a strategy, a plan, and a budget to insure your success. Your filing plan to trademark Intellectual Property will depend upon whether you have already launched your product or service, and the different brand elements you wish to protect.

What do I do after I receive the report?

As a special bonus, we will also offer you a limited-time opportunity to schedule a personalized Registration Readiness Review (RRR) at a greatly reduced rate. During the RRR, we will we will explain search and clearance options, formulate your best filing plan, and give you a budget that meets your needs.


Most importantly, we will advise you on the exact elements needed in order for your application to be approved for registration. The cost of the consultation is completely free if you hire us to be your trademark experts. We simply apply it to the cost of the application we file for you.

trademark process trademark registration search


What is your next step?
Take our online quiz, and we'll send your personal roadmap to success, for free.

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Our mission: To make sure you

Select | Secure | Sustain your Trademark

a brand and a business that’s

Our services are relationship driven. We serve clients who wish to engage a trusted advisor to help grow and protect their business.


Check List Note Pad with Trademark Symbol

Brand Going Global?

Thinking of registering a global trademark for your business? Get your free step-by-step guide to brand protection in international markets, prepared by a leading international trademark attorney today.

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Nine Costly Myths About Trademark Registration


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It’s what you didn’t know to think about that gets you every time!

Guide to Trademark Registration Services

Get this FREE GUIDE today, and you will learn:

  • 6 Reasons your application will be refused
  • 7 Must-ask questions when hiring non-legal filing services
  • 6 Registration rip-offs to avoid

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Follow the Rules of Trademark Use in Marketing and Media to Maintain Trademark Rights

Cheryl’s Brand Owners’ Guide to Trademark Use reveals how to establish lawful trademark use necessary to register a trademark and to sustain trademark protection.

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Can You Protect What You Select?


Hint—Five choices and two are really bad. Enter your email and avoid the bad guys.

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Start Your Trademark Journey the Right Way


Registered Trademark - Amazon Bestseller
Thinking of registering a trademark for your business?

Avoid common mistakes when you download three chapters from my best-selling book—totally free.

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