Register a trademark for your online business
STEP 1: SELECT®. To register a trademark for your online business, select a name that qualifies for trademark protection. Before you file a for a trademark registration online, perform a trademark search. A trademark registration search helps inform your filing strategy, avoid rejection, or worse, being sued. 70% of all USPTO trademark applications are refused registration including these five reasons. A USPTO trademark application will be rejected when you file for a descriptive trademark, or fail to perform a federal trademark search. File for a trademark registration online only after you do a trademark search
STEP 2: SECURE®. Register a trademark for your online business. There are three ways to file a USPTO trademark. Take our Registration Ready Quiz and we will send you a custom report outlining your next steps to trademark a website, register a trademark for a name, a logo, a color, a slogan, a trade dress registration, or even how to trademark a domain.
STEP 3: SUSTAIN®, focuses upon maintaining trademark protection, including Brand Guidelines for Trademark Use, renewal of registered trademarks, and policing your marks.
Brand New Life Begins Here
Why choose a Brandaide Trademark Professional?
- File a trademark application with a qualified trademark professional
- Succeed using our proprietary trademark registration process
- Avoid costly mistakes & the pain of rejection by using the best trademark service
- Side-step trademark registration scams & rip-off
- Grow with our global network of Brandaide International Trademark Experts
Your questions answered to help you make a smart choice... view Brandaide's consumer guide to find the best trademark service.
Protect your most valuable business assets
The Business Owners' Guide to Brand Protection reveals my proven three-step trademark registration process to trademark a name and logo. Protect your brand assets online and off, as you grow business value and build a lasting legacy.
Cheryl Hodgson, our founder, is one of the world’s top trademark attorneys. Cheryl has been elected as a Super Lawyer, served as President of the California Copyright Conference, and is a member of the International Trademark Association. Cheryl has simplified the trademark registration process with her proprietary three-step trademark process: Check our impressive collection of Highest Quality Replica shoes only at
Brandaide provides the best trademark service, using expert trademark attorneys. Our process is designed to avoid the most common branding mistakes. We begin by making certain you understand the benefits of trademark registration.
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